Monday, July 5, 2010

Preparing for the 8th International Conference on Biotherapy
The past few months have been quite busy for those in the Biotherapy world: preparing for the 8th International Conference on Biotherapy. "We had planned to stop accepting abstracts for the conference by now," said a spokesman for the Conference, ". . . but abstracts are continuing to roll in, and we are reluctant to terminate the flow of papers and ideas." So, the Organizing Committee announced this week that the deadline for submitting abstracts for the Conference has been extended until August 31.

The Conference Organizers don't want anyone with something to share to be left out.

You shouldn't be left out, either! Register for ICB-2010, and reserve your room at the Hollywood - Universal Hilton now, before the discounted rooms are all sold.

Read more about the Conference in the BTER Foundation's newsletter (THE BeTER LeTTER), or check out the Conference website: